News Post

Ground Breaking of the Dieng Small Scale Geothermal Power Project

Ground Breaking of the Dieng Small Scale Geothermal Power Project

The 10 MW Small Scale Geothermal Power Plant was rebuilt by PT Geo Dipa Energi (Persero) Dieng Unit. The groundbreaking of the construction of the facility was carried out on Thursday (6/2/2020) in Sikunang Village, Kejajar District, Wonosobo Regency. Joint prayer and “potong tumpeng” was attended by management of PT Geo Dipa Energi (Persero) Dieng…

Inauguration of the New Polyethylene Factory by President Joko Widodo

Inauguration of the New Polyethylene Factory by President Joko Widodo

Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (CAP) is the largest Petrochemical Company in Indonesia and also a Polyethylene factory. To increase the production of Polyethylene HDPE, LLDPE and mLLDPE, on August 31, 2017 CAP has agreed to enter into a contract with Toyo Engineering Corporation (TOYO) and PT Inti Karya Persada Tehnik (IKPT) to build a Polyethylene…

Achievement of 4 Million Safe Working Hours of Butene-1, MTBE and EGH Project, Cilegon

Achievement of 4 Million Safe Working Hours of Butene-1, MTBE and EGH Project, Cilegon

The construction of the Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) plant owned by PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk which produces Butene-1 (B-1) with a capacity of 43,000 tons / year, also Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether with a capacity of 127,000 tons/year now has reached 4,000,000 (four million) safe man hours without work accidents.On December 5, 2019 ceremony for…

Inauguration of the Siberut Biomass Power Plant (PLTBm), West Sumatra

Inauguration of the Siberut Biomass Power Plant (PLTBm), West Sumatra

IKPT has successfully completed the Siberut Integrated Biomass Gas Power Plant (PLTBm) Project and the project handover was carried out on July 13, 2018 at  MCA-I Jakarta office. Siberut PLTBm is one of the projects funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation Compact (MCC) in collaboration with the Government of Indonesia through the Millennium Challenge Account…

IKPT Signs Small Scale Dieng Geothermal Power Plant Project Contract

IKPT Signs Small Scale Dieng Geothermal Power Plant Project Contract

The Indonesian government is currently promoting the use of geothermal energy. The generation of renewable energy (EBT), one of which is geothermal, is very important to be developed to produce electricity from clean energy. To realize this, PT. Geo Dipa Energi (Persero) as a Client has appointed PT. Inti Karya Persada Tehnik as the implementing…

Achievement of 1,500,000 Safe Working Hours of Butene-1, MTBE and EGF Project, Cilegon

Achievement of 1,500,000 Safe Working Hours of Butene-1, MTBE and EGF Project, Cilegon

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of IKPT is an effort to maintain a harmonious balance between the IKPT and society and the community around the Project and the Head Office which is realized through various forms of activities such as providing assistance to disaster victims, or donations in other forms. Thus the IKPT MRT Project has…

TOYO – IKPT Successfully Completes New Polyethylene Project, Two Months Faster With Seven Million Safe Working Hours

TOYO – IKPT Successfully Completes New Polyethylene Project, Two Months Faster With Seven Million Safe Working Hours

“New Polyethylene 400 KTA New Swing Plant of HDPE, LLDPE and mLLPDPE project or known as NPE Project” entrusted to Toyo Engineering and PT IKPT, on March 30 2017 has reached “7 million safe manhours without lost time Accident (LTA ) “, Then on Thursday, April 4, 2019, at 08.00 – 10.00 at IKPT Cilegon…

Inauguration of the Indonesian Synthetic Rubber Factory

Inauguration of the Indonesian Synthetic Rubber Factory

Synthetic Rubber Factory SRI-U3 Cilegon, Banten with a production capacity of 120,000 tons per year owned by PT. Synthetic Rubber Indonesia (SRI), a Joint Venture company from Compagnie Financiere Du Groupe Michelin (Michelin) and PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (CAP) was built by Toyo Engineering Corporation (TOYO) and IKPT, and mechanically completed in May 2018….