Engineering Design
“Knowledge, interdisciplinary wholesome understanding, continuously upgraded skill, particular attention to accuracy and detail yet important along with longstanding and proven experience are crucial elements for the IKPT Engineers in providing a reliable EPC solution.”
We believe that our accuracy and details-attention in engineering design will lead to easily managed construction activities and to compelling results in terms of quality and time-punctuality, requirements-complied quality and finished within the time limit. Thanks to our regularly updated and complete engineering software, integrated engineering database and document management system, we ensure our top design quality and accuracy.
Nevertheless, regardless how far technology may reach, the man who operates the tools in achieving the targets is equally important. We ensure to clients that our engineers know what must be done to provide as a wholesome engineering solution and to fulfil client needs.
Our team supported by professional inter-disciplinary engineers with years of experiences will ensure the tools are used perfectly to meet the planned engineering process.