News Post

SRI Project in the Achievement of 1 Million Work Hours Without Accident and Green Environment Day

SRI Project in the Achievement of 1 Million Work Hours Without Accident and Green Environment Day

Synthetic Rubber Indonesia (SRI) Project has successfully held two events on Friday, August 19, 2016, namely the achievement of 1 Million Work Hours Without Accidents (Zero Accident), as well as Green Environment Day by planting 31 trees of Pucuk Merah in north side of main corridor of SRI Project. This environmental campaign is done as…

Ceremony of Compression-2 Project at Site, Southern Sumatra

Ceremony of Compression-2 Project at Site, Southern Sumatra

Compression Phase-2 Project started on July 27, 2015. It is a small project owned by International Oil & Gas company, located in Southern Sumatra. IKPT Scope of Work in this project are : The project duration is 13 months from July 27, 2015 to August 26 2016. The project successfully completed by achieving Mechanical Completion on July…

IKPT Sucessfully Constructed EPC-2 Banyu Urip Project

IKPT Sucessfully Constructed EPC-2 Banyu Urip Project

April 28, 2016, ExxonMobil Ltd. held a celebration event Banyu Urip project success in Bojonegoro. ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) as the Contractor of Cooperation Contract, today announced that oil production from Banyu Urip project in Bojonegoro, East Java has increased gradually to more than130,000 barrels of oil per day, along with the start of production…

IKPT Successfully Completes CAP ECCx Project Early

IKPT Successfully Completes CAP ECCx Project Early

PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (as the Owner) and Consortium of Toyo Engineering Corporation and PT. Inti Karya Persada Tehnik was signed contract for Detailed Engineering Procurement and Construction for Ethylene Plant Capacity Expansion from 600 KTA to 820 KTA on September 13, 2013. The plant location in Cilegon, Banten, West Java – Indonesia. That…

Inauguration of “Synthetic Rubber” Factory Construction in Indonesia

Inauguration of “Synthetic Rubber” Factory Construction in Indonesia

The SRI U3 Project is a project to build a plant that will produce new and latest generation Synthetic Rubbers, with target total capacity of 120,000 tons of product per annum (year).  The U3 Plant will be operated by Synthetic Rubber Indonesia, a joint venture company owned by Michelin and Chandra Asri Petrochemical Group, and…

President Joko Widodo Inaugurates the Kaltim V Factory

President Joko Widodo Inaugurates the Kaltim V Factory

On the second day of his working visit to East Kalimantan (Kaltim), President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accompanied by First Lady inaugurated Iriana Joko Widodo V PT Fertilizer Plant in East Kalimantan Field Office PT Pupuk Kaltim Bontang, Thursday (19/11). The factory which is under Indonesian Fertilizer Holding Company has a capacity of 825 thousand tons…

IKPT Wins “Synthetic Rubber” Project With a Capacity of 120,000 Tonnes/Year

IKPT Wins “Synthetic Rubber” Project With a Capacity of 120,000 Tonnes/Year

PT Synthetic Rubber Indonesia (SRI) has appointed Toyo Engineering Corporation and PT Inti Karya Persada Tehnik as a Construction Contractor Synthetic Rubber factory in Cilegon, Banten. The Joint Venture company (JV) National Petrochemical, PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical (CAP) by the French tire manufacturer, Compagnie Financiere du Groupe Michelin is targeting a production capacity of 120…

IKPT Wins First Phase MRT Jakarta Project Contract (CP-107) with Metro One Consortium (MOC)

IKPT Wins First Phase MRT Jakarta Project Contract (CP-107) with Metro One Consortium (MOC)

Inti Karya Persada Tehnik (PT. IKPT), which joins with Metro One Consortium at MRT Project Jakarta, have won Package CP-107 for Railway Systems and Trackwork MRT Project Jakarta. The work Package CP-107 covers Railway Systems & Trackwork, in which it is the railway infrastructure consisting of 10 work items such as Substation Systems, Overhead Contact Systems, Power Distribution Systems, Signaling Systems, Telecommunication…