President Joko Widodo Inaugurates the Kaltim V Factory
On the second day of his working visit to East Kalimantan (Kaltim), President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accompanied by First Lady inaugurated Iriana Joko Widodo V PT Fertilizer Plant in East Kalimantan Field Office PT Pupuk Kaltim Bontang, Thursday (19/11). The factory which is under Indonesian Fertilizer Holding Company has a capacity of 825 thousand tons of ammonia and 1 million tons of urea.
The existence of the fertilizer plant, according to the President Jokowi, has a very important role in achieving food self-sufficiency and independence. “This confidence must be supported by a sufficient supply of fertilizer,” he said.
Besides Fertilizer Kaltim V plant, in the same place also unveiled revamping project Phosphoric Acid II PT PKG. The factory located in Gresik, East Java, it can produce 200 thousand tons of phosphoric acid and 600 thousand tons of sulfuric acid.
The President delivered, in the presence of a phosphoric acid plant is expected to ensure the supply of NPK raw materials for agricultural needs in Indonesia.
“It was delivered by the Director of Kaltim fertilizer, can save the cost of raw materials NPK up to 20 million dollars per year”, said President Jokowi.
In his speech the President also said that the need of urea and phosphate fertilizers which last year reached 6.7 million tons to 400 tons for urea and phosphate, will continue to increase in line with the expansion and extension food land.
Expansion of the agricultural land, the president added, is expected to meet food needs in various regions in Indonesia Indonesia especially areas along the central and eastern parts.
“In addition we are able to meet their own food needs, I believe in 3-4 years we will be able to export food items to the outside”, concluded the President.
Accompanying President Jokowi during the inauguration, the Minister of State Enterprises Rini Soemarno, Minister of Planning / Head of Bappenas Djalil, Industry Minister Saleh Husin, Secretary of the Cabinet (Cabinet Secretary) Pramono Agung, Chief of Staff of the Presidential Teten Masduki, Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan believer Faisyal, Mayor Bontang Adi Darma , President Director of PT Fertilizer Indonesia (Persero) Tasrif Arifin, Director of PT Kaltim Fertilizer Aas Asikin Idat, and Director of PT PKG Hidayat Nyakman. (DNS / ES)