Inauguration of the Indonesian Synthetic Rubber Factory
Synthetic Rubber Factory SRI-U3 Cilegon, Banten with a production capacity of 120,000 tons per year owned by PT. Synthetic Rubber Indonesia (SRI), a Joint Venture company from Compagnie Financiere Du Groupe Michelin (Michelin) and PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (CAP) was built by Toyo Engineering Corporation (TOYO) and IKPT, and mechanically completed in May 2018.
This factory will produce Solutions Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SSBR) and Polybutadiene Rubber with Neodymium Catalyst (PBR) licensed by Michelin to be used to produce tires and today, Thursday November 29, 2018, at 09.30 was inaugurated by the Minister of Industry Mr. Airlangga Hartarto, located at the Temporary Site Facilities (TSF) of the SRI Project Office, Cilegon.
Feed stock for this inaugurated factory is Butadiene raw materials produced by PT. Petrochemical Butadiene Indonesia (neighbouring plant), a subsidiary of PT. Chandra Asri Petrochemical (CAP).
Besides the Minister of Industry, the event was also attended by Acting of Mayor of Cilegon (Mr. Edy Ariadi), France ministry Foreign Affair (Mr. Jean Baptiste Lemoyne), the Ambassador of France to Indonesia (Mr. Jean-Charles Berthonnet), CEO of Michelin (Mr. Bradly Karas) and other high officials from both Michelin and Chandra Asri, TOYO Senior Executive Officer / Unit Director of Plant Business Unit (Mr. Tomohisa Abe), Toyo GM Business Unit (Mr. Eiji Hosoi), TOYO SRI Project Manager (Mr. Michiaki Tanaka), IKPT Director (Mr. I Made Sutama), IKPT SRI Deputy Project Manager (Mr. Supriyanto), and others.