Material Handling of Gas Turbine & Gasifier with Chopper for Siberut Project
The Biomass Power Plant Project in Siberut which is being handled by IKPT, currently entering the phase of Gas Turbine & Gasifier installment which will be installed in 2 (two) locations, Madobag Area and Matotonan Area.
Both of Areas are very difficult to reach by using land transportation, alternative to access them through river by traditional boats (pongpong) because the water depth is around 50 until 60 cm and has a maximum weight constraint 300 kg, also the goods cannot be insuranced. While other road alternatives can only be passed by motorcycle for 4 hours.
Under these conditions, requirement of heavy material handling and equipment in the Meileppet Port to Madobag and Meilepet Port to Matotonan not possible through land or river, until taken decision to handle Material Gasifier and Gas Engine did by helicopter (Chopper) type Kamov 32A-11BC made in Russia, special helicopters to transport goods whose strength / carrying capacity is maximum 3.5 tons, because the weight of the material equipment to be installed weighs 2.5 tons per package.
Before transport/shipping goods by helicopter, materials need to be grouped / collected, for each transport to destination maximum load 3.5 tons. Equipments in the form of crates will be inserted into the net to be lifted, while large items that cannot package with net will be lifted by sling wire.
When lifting and dropping cargo, the helicopter does not go down but keep fly over, so the net will be hooked to the hook with the hanging system, then delivered to the destination location without Helicopter landing, just unhooked it. To carry out this work requires sufficient experience and a high level of safety.
Time for material handling should do in the morning, because the air density factor will affect the flight.
The operation begin + at 07.30am in Siberut as “IKPT laydown area” to be sent to Madobag Site and Matotonan Site and in one trip flight (return) + 25 minutes. Equipment to be handled is a gasifier and gas engine with total weight of 128 tons, so it needs to be divided into small packages with approximately of total journey are 40 trips. The heaviest equipment for a single package is 2.5 tons.
This Moment is a very interesting and valuable experience for IKPT to prove that IKPT is very capable to handling projects in remote areas with difficult access.