IKPT – SKY Energy Signs Karampuang Island Solar Photovoltaic Energy (PLTS) Contract with MCA Indonesia
Following Detail Engineering Services for Solar Photovoltaic Electricity for Karampuang Island, IKPT as a consortium with SKY Energy Indonesia was awarded Contract for Procurement and Construction by Millenium Challenge Account-Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia). Contract signing was taken place at MCA-I Office on 10 February 2017.
Karampuang Island is located in the district of Mamuju in West Sulawesi, Indonesia. Total population is 3,317 people, of which about 80% of the employed people are fishermen and seaweed farmers. Electricity on the island is currently provided by diesel engine generators for local community at relatively high cost of fuel and environmental impact due to diesel emissions. With generating electricity by solar photovoltaic, an affordable supply of power will be provided to the people in Karampuang Island.
Demands for Renewable Energy are set to continue growing in Indonesia, particularly providing sustainable and economical renewable energy solutions for remote communities, small island communities and regional business.
IKPT as EPC solution provider is very proud to perform the design, procurement and installation of Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Project, so called the Green Prosperity Project under MCA-Indonesia and is committed to satisfy our client’s requirement and sustainable energy needs for the local community in Karampuang Island.