Onshore Processing Facility and Sales Gas Pipeline Project
Client : Amerada Hess (Indonesia-Pangkah) Ltd.
Capacity : 50 MMSCFD
Period : March 2005 – March 2007
Location : Ujung Pangkah, Gresik
Detail engineering for the Ujung Pangkah Onshore Processing Facility including all engineering, procurement, fabrication and installation of the new gas processing plant and the Sales Gas Pipeline, Covering following item:
Gas Treating Unit, Dehydration unit, Hydrocarbon liquid recovery, Metering System, Produced Water, Hydrocarbon Drains, Flare, Storage, Effluent Water Treatment, Utility i.e.: electrical, Fire Water, Instrument Air & Nitrogen, H2S Removal and Disposal system, TEG Dehydration system, Heating Medium system, Condensate Stabilizing system, Emergency Genset, Portable Water, Fuel Gas System, Diesel Fuel system, Gas Pipeline (10 km x 18”) located on shore line.
Major Equipment: Pressure Vessel: 32 unit, Tank: 7 item unit, Heat Exchanger: 18 unit, Filter: 11 item. Pumps: 20 item, Compressor: 14 Item, Package: 16 Item, Miscellaneous: 9 Item